Reolube Turbofluid 46XC

High-Performance Fire Resistant Hydraulic Fluids for Power Generation

Reolube® Turbofluids are high performance phosphate ester self extinguishing fire resistant fluids intended for use in applications where fire safety is critical. Originally developed for use in electrohydraulic control (EHC) systems of steam turbines, Reolube® Turbofluids also have application in gas turbines, turbo-compressors, reactor coolant pumps and generators as well as conventional applications. These fluids are manufactured from specially purified phosphate base stocks and additives providing improved stability and lubrication properties.

Technical Advantages

The high level of safety needed in both thermal and nuclear power plants make Reolube® Turbofluids the products of choice for power generation applications. There are other types of synthetic fluids promoted as being fire resistant and are FM Global Standard 6930 approved. However, their ease of ignition is only slightly better than that of conventional non-flame retardant lubricants, and when ignited these fluids readily propagate flame. In contrast, phosphate ester type fluids are extremely difficult to ignite and if ignited the flame will self-extinguish. This performance feature makes phosphate ester type fluids the preferable choice for applications with high fire risk.

ISO 20823 Hot Manifold Ignition Test

Fluid Ignition °C Flaming drips to tray? Flames in tray?
 Phosphate ester (Reoube® Turbofluid 46XC)   741  No  No

Product Portfolio

 Reolube® Turbofluid 46XC An industry standard trixylenyl phosphate fluid covering wide range of requirements for both steam and gas turbine control and lubrication systems